Shout Out Your News: Spread Your Newsfeed | KalliKids

Shout your news - newsfeed

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What is this feature?

Add unlimited news updates to your KalliKids profile: new classes, themed days, promotions and championships wins of the children.

What are the benefits to me as a family activity provider?

  • Communicate with your potential and existing customers.
  • Show off your wins and skills
  • Show parents how dynamic you are.

Can you give me an example in context?

Sophie is a qualified sports coach and has recently started teaching Cheerleading at weekends. Sophie decides to enter her class in some regional competitions.  Sophie posts updates on how her class is doing in the competitions via her news feed. Parents love this as they can keep up-to-date with the kids’ latest achievements.

What do I get as a family activity provider?

  • A new tab on your profile page that allows you to post updates.
How do I get this feature?
  • Available on the Pink plan and Blue plan.

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One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.

William Feather

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KalliKids bod family of three children and two parents