Newsletters: Gain Visibility With Local Families | KalliKids


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What is this feature?

You can feature in a KalliKids newsletter sent to families with children local to you. We encourage KalliKids exclusive promotions to gain you even more attention from parents.

What are the benefits to me as a children's activity and service provider?

  • You gain visibility with local families.
  • You may inspire children or families to join your club, come to your lessons or visit your venue.

What do I get as a family activity provider?

  • A short 20-word ad sent to families local to you who are KalliKids members and have signed-up for newsletters. The ad will link to your KalliKids profile so that parents can see your recommendations.

Can you give me an example in context?

This is perfect for businesses that are looking to expand, grow there market or simply drive traffic to their profile through increased visibility.

How do I get this feature?

  • FREE in the PINK plan.
  • Newsletter appearances are an optional upgrade in the Blue plan and Orange plan - £20 per appearance. 

Upgrade - Contact us


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Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.

Daniel J. Boorstin

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