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KalliKids Sponsored Activities: Young Windmill | KalliKids

Windmill Young Actors

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22 to be sponsored children in 2014 - see how it works

Brighton & Hove, Crawley, Hangleton

Is your child a born performer? Or have they expressed an interest in Acting? Yes? Then this is 100% for you!

Windmill Young Actors are giving the opportunity to one lucky child between the age of 8 - 16yrs to join their exciting acting classes.

Through collaborative and ensemble work Windmill Young Actors aim to boost confidence and performance skills. Whilst actively encouraging their young actors to create their own work, including bringing in their own writings, drawings and songs.

Commitment to the company is very important, as each member relies on the other for support, encouragement and presence in rehearsals and classes, so a continuous attendance is expected.

Lessons are free for the year, the only thing as parents you will pay for are end of term show tickets, thats all!


  • Aged 8 - 16yrs
  • Commitment to the company
  • Children will be invited to an audition workshop with this fun theatre group


 Visit Windmill Young Actors profile and see their recommendations


Irene, Mum to Freya (8) and Isabelle (11)

"The girls go every Saturday to Windmill Young Actors and love it - they would never want to miss out on going. Tanushka and Ben are extremely motivated and ensure the kids enjoy their time each week"


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