Lexi, Music in Berkshire

Meet Lexi, learning Music with Sponsored Child 2015


Name: Lexi

Age: 8 Months old

Skill learning: Music

Sponsor:  Jo Jingles in Berkshire

About Lexi: Lexi lives in Twyford. Her whole family are very excited about her starting her music classes.



Updates on Lexi's progress in her sponsored Music classes

Lexi is one of the lucky children to be sponsored in 2015. She'll be learning music with Jo Jingles in Berkshire and you can see how much she progresses over the year.


Update from Mum (date:28/9/15)

We have enjoyed playing the musical instruments along with the different songs as well as learning lots of new songs and actions to go with them. Lexi now copies most of the time! Lexi is fairly socialable anyway but she now shares the instruments a lot better and understands when they have to go away at the end.


'm not sure there has been a challenge with lexi as she absolutely loves it and can't wait to join in. Her concentration skills have hugely improved as well as her listening and coping skills. I am hoping that lexi carries on learning and developing each week.  


Update from Mum (Date:27/4/15)

Lexi is now trying to copy all the actions to the songs. Her favourite has to be 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'! Since starting jo jingles lexi has progressed weekly, I am truly amazed at how much sue has learnt already as well as the actions. Lexi is slowly understanding how to play the different instruments and following instructions on when to play them. Currently jo jingles isn't running due to summer holidays but when we start back am excited to watch Lexi developed further and learn new songs and how to play different instruments.






Update from Mum (date:27/4/15)

When we found out Lexi had been chosen for the sponsorship, the whole family was excited, we told Lexi she would be going to Jo Jingles, didn't receive much of a reaction from her but we knew she would enjoy it. Soon after we were in contact and attending our first class before the Easter break, when we went in Roz was very inviting and welcomed us in. Lexi soon felt comfortable and enjoyed the singing although she didn't play the instruments she did enjoy trying to eat them, hopefully in the next few sessions she will learn to shake and play them along with the music.


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