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Children's Activity & Service Providers | KalliKids

For quality children's activity and service providers

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Parents Want Accreditation

The first thing parents want after value for money is accredited supervision that they can trust.

For many parents it is even more important than value for money!


Accreditation is what KalliKids does

The team of parents at KalliKids established this accreditation to help parents find what they are looking for and make the right choice.
For every club, class, tutor, place to go or service at, we speak with three parents on the phone to take an independent reference and see proof of all qualifications claimed.

Once accredited, providers of quality children’s activities and services can build their recommendations further and parents can see four ratings.

Show your quality and be part of this fast growing service for parents.


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This is how easy and quick it is to get started!


* (Survey of over 1,100 people - Oct 2014).




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See what our

accredited providers say

It has been a real joy to be on board with KalliKids for over a year now. They have been so supportive, encouraging, caring and above all friendly at all times. Nothing seems to be too much trouble and they are always there on the end of the phone if you need help with anything to do with your profile, advertising or a KalliKids event. I like the way they are so pro-active with advertising on your behalf and are always seeking out new things to try. It's been great to watch how they've gone from strength to strength since they began - lots of the parents who come to my classes say they now regularly check out the KalliKids website for activities & appreciate being on their mailing list... and I'm hearing KalliKids name mentioned more & more in various settings around the town. Thanks KalliKids team

Baby and toddler class, Kimbalu

I'm delighted to report that whatever you're doing is working really well. I now have as many pupils as I want and am having to turn people away!

Steph, children's tutor in Brighton


Want to talk to one of our very helpful team of parents?

Telephone 01273 507103 or


find the answers online: Frequently asked questions for children's activity and service providers